Saturday, April 20, 2013

Puzzle Pieces

     I know that sometimes I get tired.  Sometimes, I really want a couple of hours to just be myself.  I really, really sometimes want to just sit on Pinterest and browse absentmindedly.  My job is awesome and fruitful, but tiring...

          So why do I continue to do it?  I do it because I know it needs to be done.  I do it because I know this is where I have been placed for the time being; because I trust that each moment of each one of my days is tiny little puzzle piece falling into place. 

          I’ve heard this song on the radio; I have no idea what it’s called, but some of the lyrics go like this:

          “One day, I’ll stand before You, and look back on the life I’ve lived; I can’t wait to enjoy the view and see how all the pieces fit.”

          I know that all the pieces do not make sense right now.  I've spent lots of my life turning the same piece over and over again, trying to fit it in every which way, and each time tossing it back into the pile, saying, “Nope, that’s not it.” 

          It’s comforting to know that one day, it will all make sense.  For me, it’s comforting to know that there is One who already knows how it will all work out.  That’s not to say I don’t feel a little jealous sometimes, that I get to muddle through and try to make sense of it all, while someone’s just looking on, saying, “No, no, you’re going the wrong way…your basket’s the other way!” like a coach on the sidelines of a little kid basketball team. 

          But I comfort myself in knowing that this coach is providing me with the tools I need to make myself better.  The people, activities, everything that surrounds and fills me in this life is all part of my toolbox.  And, even on my most stubborn days where I don’t feel the need to get better, the tools are still there to get me through the game! So, either way, Coach knows best, and is on my side no matter what.  And that has to be a win-win situation.

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